LOWER Your Blood Sugar and MASSIVELY Improve Your Health

Author: Erica Harris | | Categories: Carbohydrates , Carbs , Fat Loss , Fitness Coach , Fitness Trainer , FoodIsMedicine , Fructose , FunctionalMedicine , Glucose , Grains , Health , Hyperinsulinemia , Insulin , Insulin Resistance , IntegrativeMedicine , Keto , Keto Diet , Ketogenic , Ketogenic Diet , Ketosis , LCHF , Low Carb , Low Carb Diet , LowCarbHighFat , Meat , North Van , North Vancouver , Online Coaching , Online Fitness Training , Sugar , Wheat

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There are two pathways: the pathway most people take—the one that leads to more medicine, more debilitation, and dangerous consequences from type 2 diabetes.

And then there’s the path I want YOU to take: the one that leads to less medicine, more zest for life, and TOTAL REVERSAL OF TYPE 2 DIABETES as well as other chronic health conditions.

That’s right: you don’t have to “control” your type 2 diabetes and all the conditions related to it. You can reverse it completely (and the conditions related to it) and NOT HAVE IT ANYMORE.

And the amazing part is, there’s really only one thing you need to do: lower your blood sugar.

Let’s play a game.

How much sugar is in your bloodstream?

Take a guess.

A cup?

A half cup?

A tablespoon?

Nope. Those are all too much.

When your blood sugar is at a healthy level, there’s less than one teaspoon of sugar (glucose) circulating in your body. Less than one sugar cube!

Now, that’s not all the sugar in your body. You store a little bit in your liver (about 100g) and some more in your muscles (about 300-400g), but your bloodstream—which delivers fuel to your cells—carries less than one teaspoon.  Crazy hey!

So what happens when you overload your body with sugar?

When your liver and muscles have maxed out their sugar storage limits, two things happen:

1. The extra sugar stays in your bloodstream because it has nowhere else to go. If it crosses a certain level, you’re diagnosed with pre-diabetes. If that level gets even higher, you’re diagnosed with full-on type 2 diabetes.

2. Your body converts the extra sugar into fat. You read that correctly: the excess sugar gets turned into fat! And where does that fat go? It doesn’t go anywhere! It stays in your body. It stays around your belly, on your hips and thighs, in your arms and legs, your face, and sometimes even in the last places you would ever want fat to build up: inside your liver and pancreas which is referred to as ectopic fat. But here’s the kicker…

Type 2 diabetes and obesity are only two of the issues that can come from exceeding your body’s tolerance for sugar. What if I told you that eating too much sugar could also cause mood swings, acne, headaches, brain fog, high blood pressure, PCOS, and even erectile dysfunction?

You’ve always known too much sugar isn’t good for your teeth. But cavities are nothing compared to much more serious problems that come from eating too much sugar—things like blindness, heart disease, nerve damage, liver disease, and kidney failure.  Sounds too extreme from something as simple as sugar but it isn't. 

The good news is, preventing, improving, or even totally reversing some of these is as simple as lowering your blood sugar. And lowering your blood sugar is as simple as avoiding foods that raise your blood sugar.

I’ve got some news that might shock you, though.

Sugar isn’t the only thing that raises your blood sugar. And “sugar” isn’t solely the white crystals you picture when you hear that word. It’s more than the things you know are sweet, like honey, maple syrup, molasses, and candy. When you hear “sugar,” think carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are large molecules made up of many small molecules of sugar that ultimately affect your blood sugar.

There are a lot of different kinds of carbs. Some raise blood sugar more than others, but you don’t need to think about the details. If you want to lower your blood sugar, the quickest and most effective way is to decrease the amount of all the carbs you eat. Even fruit. Even beans. Even bread, pasta, rice, granola, and cereal made with whole grains and lots of fiber.

Why? Because even though these don’t always taste sweet, they break down into sugar (glucose) when you digest them, and this sugar enters your bloodstream. Lower the amount of these foods you eat and lower your blood sugar.

Happy fat loss,


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