You were designed to eat a low sugar diet. Eating too much sugar causes all sorts of damage (and aging) to the cells, tissues and organs in your body. Your body has signs and symptoms to let you know you are eating too much sugar. In this video I will share with you 11 signs your body is telling you you are eating too much sugar. Click the video below to watch: I want you to cut the sugar out so let's jump into this list of 11 signs you are eating too much sugar. 1. Weight gain Now you most likely…
Are You Eating TOO MUCH Sugar? 11 Signs You Are
LOWER Your Blood Sugar and MASSIVELY Improve Your Health
There are two pathways: the pathway most people take—the one that leads to more medicine, more debilitation, and dangerous consequences from type 2 diabetes. And then there’s the path I want YOU to take: the one that leads to less medicine, more zest for life, and TOTAL REVERSAL OF TYPE 2 DIABETES as well as other chronic health conditions. That’s right: you don’t have to “control” your type 2 diabetes and all the conditions related to it. You can reverse it completely (and the conditions related to it) and NOT HAVE IT ANYMORE. And the amazing part is, there’s really only one thing you…
The Truth About Gluten
Gluten is a group of proteins, typically two major proteins: gliadin and glutenin with gliadin being the most harmful. These proteins occur in many grain products. Humans don’t have the intestines to deal with gluten like a ruminant does such as a cow. Most, if not all, humans are not genetically made up to tolerate gluten. Sometimes the impact can be subclinical and at other times it can have a massive clinical impact. With the current state of grains and how they are hybridized and grown, we are not designed to tolerate these products the way they are. Watch the video…