Fasting is not always the most fun or easiest thing to do so I'm going to share with you 4 more tips on how to make it more enjoyable. So let's delve into these 4 intermittent fasting tips to help make the entire experience that much more enjoyable. Click the video below to watch: 1. Find a support group As with other things in life, things are much easier when done in a group. We are social beings and we need that support so I encourage you to find the people you resonate with who you can talk to, problem solve…
4 More Intermittent Fasting Tips
Top 3 Intermittent Fasting Tips
Intermittent fasting is one of THE best strategies you can implement in improving your health hands down. I encourage it with all my clients whether their goal is weight loss, improving health, or reversing chronic disease. So let's delve into the top 3 intermittent fasting tips. Watch the video below: Ok let's get into the top 3 intermittent fasting tips. 1. Stay hydrated Even though you are fasting and can't technically eat, you CAN still drink water. A classic fast is water only, which you can do if you like. Staying hydrated helps the hungry to go down. However there are other…
Long-Term Effects of a Keto Diet
Has someone told you that low-carb and keto diets are great for weight loss, but they’re not sustainable? Or that eating this way is safe for the short-term but harmful over the long-term? Time to dispel both of these myths! Let’s get thing one straight right at the start: as long as your food provides enough vitamins, minerals, protein, and essential fats, and you consume enough calories (energy) to fuel the activities you choose to engage in, there’s no reason you can’t follow a low-carb or keto diet for the rest of your life. Carbohydrates are a non-essential macronutrient to consume.…
Are You Eating TOO MUCH Sugar? 11 Signs You Are
You were designed to eat a low sugar diet. Eating too much sugar causes all sorts of damage (and aging) to the cells, tissues and organs in your body. Your body has signs and symptoms to let you know you are eating too much sugar. In this video I will share with you 11 signs your body is telling you you are eating too much sugar. Click the video below to watch: I want you to cut the sugar out so let's jump into this list of 11 signs you are eating too much sugar. 1. Weight gain Now you most likely…